
Zoella's beauty range


Hello again dear BeYOUties, you may have heard about Zoe Sugg launching her own beauty collection, she has been keeping a secret for the past year. I was seriously celebrating and will be getting my hands on these little lovelies for sure, are you planning to? If you don't know who Zoella is, well, she is nearly every teen girls ultimate idol and a blogger, vlogger, beauty guru but most of all a youtube sensation. Why not go into youtube and check her out now, she posts regular videos?! ( I love how I'm basically advertising her, I love her so much) But anyway, everyone was counting down to the launch and I wanted to show those of you who haven't seen the products yet or just want to read about my thoughts on them, or simply have no idea about them and are about to be educated. I had to indulge myself and watch her vlog over and over again! So let's get started ..

A little collage I put together to celebrate her success! I'm so pleased for her, I was honestly crying. It just seems so unreal how utterly amazing she has become from her sitting in her bedroom messing around with the camera to now...
So this is her collection of products and the packaging is so darn frigging pretty. I love the lace and coral colour combined, it's so typically Zoe. The names are also adorable and the price range is very good, especially as us teens don't want to be spending a fortune right now! 
Included in the collection are two makeup/pencil cases, a candle, a fizz bar, perfume, body lotion and bath soak.
Most of this is Definitely going on my Christmas list but I may not be able to wait that long.. What are your favourites from this collection, have you already purchased the items? Share your thoughts with me down below! I always reply and it honestly makes my day xx
If you haven't already, it would make my day even more if you followed me?
Until next time
Lots of love
Natasha xx

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  1. I am really excited to buy her range :D My friend bought the body lotion and I smelled it - it smells SO NICE. I haven't had the opportunity to but it yet, but I certainly will when I have the chance :) I don't think I can wait until Christmas! I think the little bags are especially adorable.
    Lucy :3

    1. Same here and it truly does! I love the orangey fruity smell of her collection, it's typical Zoe xx I can't wait to get my hands on the collection, there was a queue outside Superdrug the other day just for her collection so I couldn't get anywhere near close, but time will tell I guess, I'm not giving up that easily!! Xx have a lovely day <3

  2. I haven't bought anything from a range yet but I definitely want to! Great post xx

    beauty & fashion blog:

    1. Thank you very much and of course! Xx have a wonderful day my lovely xoxo

  3. Everything looks so pretty~! <3 I definitely want to try some of it out


    1. Doesn't it just?! Same here, I can't wait! Have a wonderful day xoxo

  4. Love this post Natasha! I totally want the fizz bar! Looks so cool, and same she's come a long way and its such an amazing achievement! :)
    My Blog ❤

    1. Thank you Rebecca!! Xx I know, I want the fizz bar so much too xx I'm so pleased for her xoxo it was nice to hear from you again, I was worried as I haven't heard from you recently my lovely, have a wonderful day :D xx

    2. Awrh! Your very welcome; am so sorry been so busy with school as am in yr10 now and its more stressful I have an ISA tomorrow so kind of nervous and have so busy tbh to even have time to blog but I try my best. You too and good luck with everything at your end xo ❤

    3. Haha xx so am I, I'm finding textiles and R.S has loads of coursework which I really wasn't expecting :( I'm doing the ISA a little later probably nearer christmas which I'm really looking forward to, not ! I'm sure you do and I know what you mean, blogging is so hard when your busy x

  5. Oh wow, she has her own range? MUST try this, wonder if I can get it online to ship to Canada...

    Reflection of Sanity

    1. Yep, you should check it out, I'm sure they will be able to ship the products out to you?! Xx have a lovely day xoxo

  6. Gorgeous!! I love the green little bag – so cute! :)

    I really like your blog – what do you think about following each other? That would be amazing! :)

    XX, Sara


    1. Haha thank you very much xx sure, I'll just go follow you now and wait for your return xoxo thanks again my lovely x

    2. Thanks, dear – I'm following you back now! :)

    3. No problem xx many thanks back x

  7. Ooo it's so gorgeous!
    Thank you for introducing me to this wonderful make-up line!


    1. Aw no problem xx hope you like it, have a lovely day :D

  8. great post!


    1. Thank you xx it means a lot :D Have a wonderful day xoxox

  9. Hey! I've nominated you for the One Lovely Blog award in my latest post! :) http://ohemgeeitsmaya.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/one-lovely-blog-award.html
    Maya x

    1. Thank you very much but recently I was nominated and have already blogged about it xx thank you anyway, it means a lot ! Have a wonderful day :D

  10. Zoella is one of my favourite youtubers and this looks so interesting!
    Would you like to follow each other via GFC? Please let me know on my blog so I can follow you back!


    1. I know, isn't she just perfect?! Xx sure, I'll just go follow you now and wait for your follow back xx

  11. AMAZING post as always dear :) I hope you had a great holiday and I wish you a wonderful New year with lots of fun

    Check out my new Jan. post...A decor color Must 2015 :)

    have a fab week

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis - inredning it's, Swedish for decor :)

    1. Thank you very much xxxx I really appreciate it! Xx have a wonderful day x


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